
The Questions

What is the name of the school? Netzwerk-Schule
What is the address of the school? Marchlewskistr. 40, 10243 Berlin
School’s phone number and website? ++49 (0)30 40 39 33 40, http://schule.netzwerkspielkultur.de
School’s EUDEC contact person and e-mail? currently to be elected
What is the legal status of the school? genehmigte Ersatzschule / Gemeinschaftsschule
When was the school founded? 2008
How many students are there? 85
Which student age groups are there? 5 to 17
How many (full-time equivalent) staff members? 12 staff members (about 8 full-time equivalent)
How many school hours per day and week? up to 10 per day, up to 46 per week
Interested in hosting interns? yes
Interested in the EUDEC Diploma? yes
Interested in the EUDEC exchange program? yes

Three-Word Answer
Further Elaboration, Clarification or Qualification of the Answer
Does applicable law allow your school to follow the EUDEC definition of democratic education? Yes Applicable law does not interfere with EUDECs definition of democratic education. Only if a student wishes to leave the school, the school has to ensure, that the student is able to follow the classes in the new school.
Do students have free choice of whether or not to participate in scholastic and other activities? Yes Students do not have to participate in scholastic or other activities.
Can students easily initiate and suggest scholastic and other activities? Yes Each student can initiate an suggest scholastic and other activities.
Can students offer, lead and run scholastic and other activities? Yes Students can offer, lead and run scholastic and other activities.
Can students ‘vote’ on the school’s rules? Yes School's rules are voted upon in a weekly school meeting.
Can students ‘vote’ on the consequences of breaking rules? Yes Consequences of breaking rules are voted upon in the school meeting or in the school's court.
Can students ‘vote’ on the use of spaces? Yes Students also vote on the use of spaces.
Are there any compulsory activities for students? Yes If students break the rules, they have to show up at the court or in the school meeting. Student also have to spent a minimum number of hours in school each day.
Who decides on the compulsory activities and who must participate? school meeting decides The school meeting decides, if there are any activities which are compulsory and under which circumstances someone has to attend. Compulsion is used only for the necessities of running the school, not for individual learning.
Can students ‘vote’ on accepting and expelling other students? No and Yes There is no vote on accepting students. If a student continuously breaks the school laws, the school meeting can take a vote on expelling him.
Can students be involved in the hiring and firing of staff members, including educational staff? Yes Students are involved in the comittee on hiring new staff members. This comittee suggests new staff members to the school community. The school community then takes a vote on the hiring of the suggested new staff member. Each staff member has to be reelected at the end of each school year in order to be staff member in the next school year.
Can students and staff equally participate in the decision making process? Yes Decisions are taken in the school meeting or in subordinate committees, in which students and staff have the same vote.
Does your school need to meet any curriculum imposed from outside of the school? No and Yes The school does not have to follow the standard curriculum (Rahmenlehrplan). If a student wishes to leave the school, the school has to ensure, that the student is able to follow the classes in the new school.
How is student performance and progress monitored and graded? no grades There are no grades at the school. There is no monitoring of progress of the student's performance, except if the student wishes so.
Can students ‘vote’ on managing and deciding the budget? Yes There is a yearly budget on which the school meeting takes a vote.
Can students ‘vote’ on the infrastructure of the school? Depends The students don't vote on basic issues like how high the rent of the buiding should be etc. But they can change the use and the appearance of the rooms.
Can students ‘vote’ on the management structure of the school? Depends The school constitution regulates, which decisions are to be taken by the school meeting an which by the founding association. The internal management structures of the school are voted upon in the school meeting. The management structures of the founding association are decided by the managing board of the founding association.

School Description

How often do school meetings take place? Once a week (used to be twice for a while)
Which decision making bodies are there? The school meeting, the comittees, the founding association
Who decides who is in which decision making body? The Constitution of the school regulates, that every student and every staff member is a voting member of the school meeting. The school meeting itself can accept additional voting members (for example interns). The members of the comittees are elected by the school meeting. The founding association has long term members and decides itself if and which new members it will accept.
What is the parents’ role in school life? Parents are sometimes invited to help out, but they are not part of the daily school life.
What is the parents’ role in decision making? Parents are not members of any of the decision making bodies.
Who is financially and legally responsible for your school? The board of directors of the founding association.
Who makes financial and legal decisions? Financial and legel decisions concerning the renting of rooms and the salaries of the staff members are made by the board of directors of the founding association. Decisions concerning the budget of the school meeting are made by the school meeting itself or by its subordinate committees.
What is the school building like? Rented rooms (500 square meters)
Is your school (partially or fully) a boarding school? No.
From how far do most students come from? Most students come from the neighborhood, some from other parts of the town, few from outside the city.
In what kind of area is the school located? In an inner city neighbourhood.
How is the school funded? by state funds and tuition.
Can students get a degree/diploma? The school issues EUDEC Diplomas. Students can get support to prepare themselves for a state degree (Mittlerer Schulabschluss).
Is there any curriculum planning? No.

Further Description and Comments:

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