
EUDEC website
We are currently working very hard on creating a new website for EUDEC that finally works. Unfortunaly, we're lacking the funds to actually start creating it. There will be a crowdfunding campaign shortly, but: If every member donated 15€, we would have the costs covered. If everybody reading this newsletter donated 5€, it would be enough. Any amount will help us move this very necessary project forward!
Please consider helping us out.
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank Germany
IBAN: DE43 4306 0967 1109 5586 00

New ERASMUS+ Workgroup
Claire from France has started a workgroup to apply for ERASMUS+ funding in order to organise study-visits between European Sudbury schools! If you're interested, please e-mail info at eudec.org.

Council e-mail
You can now reach us via council at eudec.org with anything you want Council to discuss. For any other questions, and for all the very welcome feedback on this newsletter, please continue using info at eudec.org.